
Ravenshoe Community Centre Inc promotes the rights and responsibilities of people accessing and using the service by:

  • promoting awareness of the choices available
  • providing information about the services available
  • assisting people to take part in decision making that affects them
  • supporting clients to take responsibility for choices and decisions they make
  • providing opportunities for continued growth in independence, self-reliance and resilience.

Ravenshoe Community Centre Inc will in all areas of service delivery actively promote a culture of empowerment.

Empowerment – the act of giving somebody more control over their own life or the situation they are in


This policy will apply to all RCC Inc programmes and to all staff and volunteers.

Funded programs may also have additional policies in this area which reflect their program guidelines and service delivery requirements.


RCC Inc is committed to empowering clients to play an active role in decisions that affect their lives and to make choices for themselves.


RCC Inc will:

  • provide information to clients about the opportunities for choice in accessing or refusing our services. The Client Service Charter, Client’s Rights and Responsibilities, Client Advocate and the Choice and Self Reliance policy will be made available to clients
  • explain the nature of the service and the staff member’s role
  • advise clients of the full range of services that the Organisation provides
  • advise clients of other services that may meet their needs
  • structure the Organisation’s programmes to be as flexible and responsive to the individual’s needs and preferences as possible
  • involve the client in the development of an individual plan and invite them to state their preferences with respect to the services that they would like to receive. Carers/family members and/or advocates can also be involved in this process if the client requests.
  • make every effort, within available resources to accommodate the client’s service preferences and choices in the individual plan
  • encourage the client to state the level of service they require, what other services may be involved, the ways that personal goals will be achieved, how to measure progress against their individual plan, and what to do if the client would like to change their plan or exit the service
  • provide opportunities for participation and feedback
  • provide opportunities for the ongoing development of skills and build motivation to apply these within the broader community
  • provide a culturally appropriate service which includes the use of interpreters if required
  • advise the client of their right to an advocate or support person.
  • jointly review the individual plan on a regular basis and make any agreed amendments

The key to client participation in the provision of written and verbal information presented in an accessible way explaining client choices and services available.

Strategies to build self-reliance and social inclusion

  • Use an approach that is relevant to the particular needs of the individual or family.
  • Remain flexible and responsive to the changing needs of individuals and the broader community
  • Respond to each individual/family with respect, and in a non-judgmental way
  • Acknowledge each individual’s uniqueness in regard to circumstances and needs
  • Use a strength-based approach to empower individuals and build resilience and self-reliance
  • Be respectful of the philosophies and values of individuals even if they differ from those of the Organisation or your own personal values

A strength-based approach involves respect for the individual perspective and the unique outcome that is made possible by engaging with this perspective.

Related Policies and Documentation

Access and Equity Charter

Client Service

Client Advocate

Client Rights and Responsibilities

Service Delivery

Complaint Resolution