Ravenshoe Community Centre Inc is a not-for-profit Organisation providing a range of services to Ravenshoe and surrounding areas.

  • Our mission is to work in partnership with a range of stakeholders to enhance the quality of life for all members of the community.


To ensure that individuals residing within our Organisation’s catchment area (southern Atherton Tableland) have equity of access to the services they require, including:

  • current information
  • effective and efficient personal support
  • access to helpful referral pathways, and
  • opportunities to participate in and benefit from community awareness/education activities.

RCC Inc will offer a range of well-administered programs that meet community and individual needs.

RCC Inc activities will aim to deliver maximum benefit to members of the community.


The following principles of Social Justice underpin the delivery of all RCC Inc programs:

  • Promotion ofequity of access to the resources and information necessary for achieving positive change and improving quality of life
  • Provide opportunities for participation of individuals in decision-making that affects them
  • Commit to the equitable distribution of resources within our Organisation, community and broader society, as much as possible.


This policy will apply to all RCC Inc programs.

  • Community Support Service (including Emergency Relief, NILS and Community Development)
  • Family Support Service
  • Centre Based Day Respite Service
  • Limited Hours Education and Care Service
  • Youth Support Service, and
  • Rural and Remote Home Care Services.


To the best of their abilities staff and volunteers will:

  • Know and uphold the philosophy, mission statement and policies of Ravenshoe Community Centre Inc
  • Ensure thatquality of service delivery to clients is based on current knowledge and reflects best practice in regard to industry standards
  • Respect the individuality of clients
  • Maintain a high standard of professional conduct
  • Respect the confidentiality of clients/carers and their family
  • Provide advocacy for clients/carers and their families, in a way which consistently respects their self worth and dignity, preserves their autonomy and promotes their capacity for free choice
  • Recognise how personal values, opinions and biases can affect professional judgment
  • Maintain the professional boundaries of the client /worker relationship
  • Ensure that access and equity principles are adhered to in all programs


RCC Inc aims to ensure equal rights and opportunities for all members of the community to access, participate in and utilise information, programs and services provided by RCC, irrespective of age, gender, socio-economic status, race, ethnicity and cultural background, mental or physical ability.

Privacy and Confidentiality

Ravenshoe Community Centre is bound by the Australian Privacy Principles (Cth 2014).

RCC Inc will treat your personal and confidential information with sensitivity. We will collect, store, share and use your personal and confidential information responsibly.

Please note that in some circumstances, we may be required to release your information without your consent, as prescribed in the RCC Inc Confidentiality and Privacy Policy.

Complaint Resolution Policy

RCC Inc provides a wide range of services to people in the southern end of the Atherton Tablelands. We welcome feedback and suggestions from the users of our services, to enable us to provide services which will be as responsive as possible to the needs of clients. Each client hasthe right to make a complaint or voice a concern without fear of any form of recrimination.

All clients will be informed of their right to involve an advocate of his/her choice.


All clients will receive up-to-date and accurate information.

Staff and volunteers will explain any decision-making processes as they impact on you.

If we cannot provide assistance, RCC Inc will where available, propose alternative referral options.


  • Personal assistance which is professional, friendly, caring and non-judgemental
  • Timely, accurate and responsive referral and support services
  • Assistance and support that respects privacy
  • A quality service committed to continuous quality improvement.


Mailing address: 3 Bolton Street, Ravenshoe QLD 4888

PH: 9am to 2pm 40976726

Email address [email protected]

Related Policies and Documentation

Access and Equity

Choice and Self Reliance

Client Advocate

Client Rights and Responsibilities

Service Delivery

Complaint Resolution

Continuous Quality Improvement

Confidentiality and Privacy

Australian Privacy Principles