This form is to assist you when making a complaint to Ravenshoe Community Centre Inc.
Any person wishing to make a complaint may speak with the relevant RCC Program Coordinator, Human Resource Officer, Management Group member or staff member of choice and/or choose to complete this form.
All information is strictly confidential.
We encourage you to make your complaint in writing. Please allow some time (7-10 days) for a response.
Personal details
Please provide the contact details you would like RCC to use.
Name: Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms ______________________________________________________
Postal Address: ______________________________________________ Postcode: _____
Email: _____________________________________________________________________
Phone No: _______________________ Mobile: _______________________________
Have you lodged a complaint with our Organisation before?
Yes The matter was resolved. The matter was not resolved No
Comments: _______________________________________________________________
Is there someone else (legal representative/advocate or support person) that you would like to be involved in resolving this complaint?
Yes No
Name of legal representative/advocate/support person _______________________________
Postal Address: _____________________________________________________________
Phone: ______________________ E-Mail: _____________________________________
Details of the complaint
Is the complaint related to:
Employee of the organisation
Volunteer of the organisation
Service delivery
Specific incident
External person/agency
What happened?
Where did it happen?
When did it happen? (Include date if possible)
Who was involved? (List all persons involved and witnesses)
Any other relevant details:
Have you discussed the matter with the person/s involved?
Yes No
If yes, what was the outcome, if any? Please attach a copy (not the original) of your complaint to the respondent and any letter of reply you have received.
If no, is there any reason/s that you cannot do so? Do you need help to do this, e.g. for safety reasons, cultural reasons?
How would you like to see your complaint resolved? What action would you like the Organisation to take to resolve your complaint?
Additional information/supporting documentation
Please attach copies (not the original) of any documents that may help us to resolve the complaint, e.g. if you have letters, emails or faxes or records of conversations you have had with the person/s associated with the complaint.
To help us resolve this matter as fast as we can, please ensure your contact details are kept up to date. If details change, let the Organisation know as soon as you can.
Please sign and date this form.
Signature: _____________________________________ Date: _____________________